Second Learning Health System (LHS) Summit
December 8-9, 2016
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Conference Center
2318 Mill Road, Suite 800, Alexandria, VA 22314
Contact: Joshua C. Rubin - +1.914.393.6740 -
Paper Published in Learning Health Systems Journal (HTML)
Paper Published in Learning Health Systems Journal (DOI)
Paper Published in Learning Health Systems Journal (ePDF)
Paper Published in Learning Health Systems Journal (PDF)
Post-Summit Collaboration
Outreach Letter (07-12-2017) Sharing the Consensus Action Plan (as of 06-27-2017)
Learning Health Systems Consensus Action Plan (as of 06-27-2017)
Outreach Letter to Solicit Pre-Publication Feedback (05-04-2017)
Next DRAFT LHS Consensus Action Plan (as of 04-22-2017)
Outreach Letter to Solicit Feedback (03-07-2017)
DRAFT LHS Consensus Action Plan (as of 02-27-2017)
DRAFT Synthesis of Collaborative LHS Action Plans (as of 12-09-2016)
Social Media
Key Items for Discussion
Second LHS Summit Event Registration Website
Lightning Introduction Slides (Google Slides)
Lightning Introduction Slides (PDF as of 12-09-2016)
DRAFT Preliminary LHS Action Items (12-07-2016) and Corresponding Word Cloud
DRAFT Consolidated Summary of Day One Breakout Groups (12-08-2016)
DRAFT Synthesis of Collaborative LHS Action Plans (as of 12-09-2016)
Background Items and Handouts
Second LHS Summit Planning Committee
Second LHS Summit Supplemental Background Information
Handout: Participant List
Handout: A Personal Message from Joe Kanter Regarding the Upcoming Second LHS Summit
Alphabetical List of Endorsers of the Multi-Stakeholder Consensus LHS Core Values
Handout: LHS Core Values Packet (11-10-2016)
Handout: Print Edition of “Weaving Together a Healthcare Improvement Tapestry”
Glenn Steele, Jr. – “Support Healthcare Transformation by Joining a Multi-Stakeholder Movement”
Honoring Ken Pool – “Ken’s Bill”
Honoring Hunt Blair – CODA Blog
Learning Health Systems Open Access Journal (and Handout: Postcard)
Second LHS Summit Purpose
The first Learning Health System (LHS) Summit, held in May 2012, achieved consensus on 10 LHS Core Values, that, as a basis for achieving an LHS, have subsequently been endorsed by more than 100 key organizations representing all stakeholders in the health ecosystem and have significantly stimulated interest in the LHS and some significant progress. This Second LHS Summit will build on the first by achieving consensus on a list of specific actions that, if taken, will advance the LHS from what remains an appealing concept to a working reality for improving the health of individuals and populations. Following the Second LHS Summit and building on this further consensus, participants will collaboratively develop guidance for what organizations can do individually and collectively to advance the LHS, as well as ways to measure and recognize actions taken to realize the vision.
Logos of Endorsers as of 10-14-2016
Logos of Endorsers as of 12-10-2016
Lightning Introduction Slides (Google Slides)
Lightning Introduction Slides (PDF as of 12-09-2016)
Holt Anderson – Presentation on the Learning Health Community LHS Policy and Governance Framework Initiative
Gary Bartholomew – “The Patients are Disrupting Women’s Health”
Laura Crawford – “The Pharma Industry in the Learning Health System”
Charles Friedman – Breakout Groups Process Overview (Day One)
Charles Friedman – Breakout Groups Process Overview (Day Two)
Charles Friedman – “The Promise of the Learning Health System”
Regina Holliday – Painting: “What We Wish for”
Joseph Kanter – “Power to Patients”
Rebecca Kush – Presentation on the Learning Health Community Essential Standards/Structures to Enable Learning (ESTEL) Initiative
Allen Lichter – “Using ‘Big Data’ in Cancer to Improve Care and Accelerate Learning”
Curt Lindberg – “Learning: Contemplating the Unexamined Core of Learning Health Systems via the Triplechrono Therapy Story”
Sally Okun – “A Person-Centered Learning Health System: Transforming Patient Experience”
Steve Posnack and Vindell Washington and Jon White – Presentation by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC)
Joshua Rubin – “Learning Health Heroes” (Background)
Joshua Rubin – “Transforming Kanter’s Vision”
Rick Rudick – “MS PATHS: Seeking to Enhance Multiple Sclerosis Care Through Emerging Technology, Clinical Innovation, and Continuous Learning” (Movie: Video Link > Click Multiple Sclerosis Performance Test Tab)
Jonathan Silverstein – “Our Collective Call to Action”
Mary Anne Sterling – “Connecting the Dots: Alzheimer’s PCPRN and the Learning Health System”
Kevin Sullivan – Presentation on the Science of Cyber-Social Learning Systems (CSLS)
Richard Tannen – “A New Method to Address Unmeasured Confounding of Mortality in Observational Studies”
Second LHS Summit Co-Chairs Welcome
Subject: Important Background Information for the Upcoming Second Learning Health System Summit
Date: Friday, December 2, 2016
Dear Colleague,
We very much look forward to seeing you at the Second Learning Health System (LHS) Summit to be held on December 8-9 at the headquarters of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). We are grateful to both the Kanter Health Foundation and to ASCO for their support of this event. Approximately 100 individuals representing diverse organizations and stakeholders, who have evidenced belief in and dedication to realizing our LHS vision, anchored in a shared set of LHS Core Values, will be participating. Our overarching goal will be to achieve multi-stakeholder consensus on actions that can accelerate progress toward a national LHS.
To prepare for the collaborative work ahead at the Summit, we request that you review the following:
The latest draft of the Summit agenda.
The LHS Core Values and the over 100 organizational endorsers to date.
Information about the Summit purpose, logistics, hotel accommodations, and directions on various tabs of the Summit event website.
The Learning Health Community Second LHS Summit resources webpage.
In addition, you may wish to review some of the following materials for additional background:
The Summit Supplemental Background Information page on the Summit event website documenting progress in the Learning Health Community movement since the first LHS Summit.
The “Weaving Together a Healthcare Improvement Tapestry” paper illuminating the LHS imperative and the spirit of the multi-stakeholder grassroots movement.
The vision of “Achieving a Nationwide Learning Health System”.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, “Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America”.
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT’s (ONC’s) “Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap Final Version 1.0” referencing the LHS Core Values.
“Combining Health Data Uses to Ignite Health System Learning” for an international perspective.
An entire issue of Health Affairs documenting LHS efforts.
A New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) perspective piece, “Code Red and Blue - Safely Limiting Health Care’s GDP Footprint”.
Patient perspectives on the LHS and the Learning Health Community by Regina Holliday and “e-Patient Dave” deBronkart.
The open access scientific journal of Learning Health Systems published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., and the journal articles currently available online.
If you have any questions about the Summit, please feel free to reach out to Joshua Rubin ( If you need assistance with logistics, Alexandra Simpson ( should be able to assist you.
We thank you for your participation and look forward to seeing you on December 8-9. Our work together promises to accelerate progress toward achieving the health transformation we all seek. We are grateful that you are a part of it.
All best wishes,
Dr. Jonathan C. Silverstein and Dr. Charles P. Friedman
Second LHS Summit Sponsor Welcome
Subject: A Personal Message from Joe Kanter Regarding the Upcoming Second Learning Health System Summit
Date: Saturday, December 3, 2016
Dear Summit participants,
With great anticipation, I look forward to seeing all of you at the Second Learning Health System (LHS) Summit on December 8-9, 2016. Every one of you was invited because of your evidenced interest in and passion for our shared LHS vision – because of the small and big things you and your organizations have all done for years to help us realize it together.
My personal experience as a prostate cancer patient led me to establish the Kanter Health Foundation (KHF) over two decades ago. At that time, before “Internet” was a household word, I called for the collaborative realization of a health network that would draw on the collective real-world health experiences of millions of patients captured in electronic, computable form, to empower researchers, and ultimately clinicians and patients, to know what works best for every patient for every disease. Indeed, KHF envisions a world in which every decision affecting health is informed by knowledge of what works best; I have devoted the past two decades of my life to transforming that vision into reality.
Thanks to the tireless dedication of so many of you, that original vision has grown into the concept of a LHS. KHF funded the first LHS Summit in Washington, DC four years ago, to develop a set of shared LHS Core Values that would be the compass that would guide us on our path to collaboratively realizing the LHS. Together, we transformed that moment into a movement. We created an ever-expanding grassroots Learning Health Community bonded together by our consensus LHS Core Values, and spread these shared LHS Core Values nationally and globally. Burgeoned by a sense of urgency that we can no longer afford – in dollars and in lives – to let the status quo in healthcare and health continue, we took a vision once seen as impossible and made it imperative and ultimately inevitable. Together, we and our colleagues literally put the LHS on the map, and made it the destination. We came together to achieve consensus; we overachieved.
Our shared task now is to harness this momentum and build consensus around actions we can all take separately and together to accelerate progress. I eagerly anticipate this most important working meeting.
I drafted this message as my spouse (of 63 years) Nancy and I prepared to celebrate Thanksgiving with our children and our grandchildren. Because of your efforts and collaboration, my children and grandchildren, your children and grandchildren, and one day all of their children and grandchildren, will live healthier and more empowered lives. For that, I give profound thanks. Let’s continue to all work together to give the gift of health to current and future generations, across our nation and around the world.
Joseph H. Kanter
Chairman & President
Joseph H. Kanter Family Foundation
c/o: Bloom Gettis & Habib PA
2601 S. Bayshore Dr. Suite #1450
Miami, Fl. 33133
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